Dreaming can help you
Everyone dreams. Even you.
Experience happens on the outside of us. However, inside us, we have feelings and responses to that outside experience – emotions, memories, an inner knowing. Our inner response may be connecting the dots between different things we were thinking, or sparking a new idea.
It is difficult to access all of this inner movement and knowing while the outside experience is in progress because we are focused on the experience. When the outside stimulation is shut off, such as during sleep, we tune in to the inner experience. There we see, in dreams and images, what we were feeling about our waking experiences and how we understand them.
Build Personal
Your dreams tell you where you are, and where you can be. They point out your blocks, and illuminate the tools you already have for overcoming them.
Because dreams give us the whole picture, we can use our dreams as a practical tool for understanding and developing ourselves.
Dreams show us where we are, right now in our lives, and where we can go. They show us our blocks, patterns, habitual emotional reactions, as well as how to overcome them. Dreams also show us where we can stretch, soar, and access the talents and capabilities that we keep hidden from the world, including our deepest aspirations.
Because dreams show us both our blocks and potential, we can learn how to bring forward our best aspects, to respond to experience instead of reacting, and to take choices in life that are truly right for us.
Dreams give you
the whole picture
Explore the ways
dreaming can help you
Personal Transformation
Dreams show you where you are blocked, what you are capable of, and how to get over that block so you can live your fullest potential.
At IIDI we work with dreams in specific ways that reveal patterns; conflicts and the response that will resolve them; the deeper meanings present in the situation; and, the greater possibilities waiting to be manifest in waking time. We teach how to take these tools and apply them to waking life so that you become present and responsive in your every day, and craft the life of your choosing.
Get started with one of our classes or 1:1 dreamwork.
Career & Life Path Direction
How do you know what you want to do? For many, the answer is sought on the outside, in the demands and perceived expectations of family, partners, and society. Following an outside path leaves our inner self unsatisfied. Returning to dream we find the seeds of our personal becoming, that inner blueprint that makes us a unique individual, with a unique path. Having re-discovered this unique blueprint, dreams then help us to manifest it, step by step.
At IIDI we teach you how to use dreams to reconnect to this blueprint, and to know what decisions are right for you – both big-picture, and the daily stepping-stone decisions, such as choosing between jobs, changing careers, orienting a coaching practice, family decisions, or selecting a university.
To start, take a dream class, imagery class, or embark upon some 1:1 dreamwork in a coaching package.
Leadership Development
In a world of unknowns certainty can be elusive. Analytical thinking is not enough; leaders need access to intuitive inner-knowing. Applying the non-linear language of dreams and imagery for real-world solutions harnesses this gut-based “fast thinking” for real-world success.
IIDI’s iterative steps for working with dreams develops skills for heightened perceptiveness, pattern recognition, and cognitive fluency. In addition to the vast utility of dreams themselves, IIDI helps hone leadership skills and greater levels of awareness and self-knowledge.
IIDI works with leaders from multiple sectors including government, tech, product- and service-based corporations, and for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Our leadership-specific program, DYW Leadership, offers five core classes for building leadership skills. We also offer 1:1 coaching work with leaders, and custom packages of both 1:1 work and classes for organizations. IIDI provides programming and facilitates classes for the George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership’s eCo Leadership Coaching certification program.
Enhanced Creativity & Problem-Solving Skills
Dreaming is the language of creativity, engaging our neurobiological creative processes.
IIDI teaches you how to engage the creative process and move through each aspect using specific tools. You will identify where you limit your creative expression and block your ability to manifest. These same methods provide the means for transforming these blocks so that you return to a fluid and effective engagement with your creative work. Our iterative steps for working with dreams endow necessary skills for problem-solving; including perspective taking and pattern recognition.
IIDI has extensive experience working with artists and creative professionals, including the development of specific projects. We also work with leaders and professionals from numerous fields to learn to consciously engage with their creative process.
To get started, sign up for a dream class, imagery class, or a 1:1 dreamwork coaching package.
Embodiment, Centering & Emotional Strengths
Dreaming comes from the body, not our thoughts.
It is through the vehicle of our bodies that we interact with the outer world, develop knowledge vocabularies, and access inner knowing. Dreams return you to this embodied, inner dialogue where you can identify and shift energy-depleting emotions like fear and anger, and return to a responsive, creative, intuitive state of being.
At IIDI we teach you how to be in active, conscious dialogue with your bodily responses to experience. Dreams follow specific physical laws of embodied experience. Learning these you will cultivate a deeper relationship with your body and a greater sense of presence.
To get started take one of our dreaming classes, the Body series, the Life Plan class, or sign up for 1:1 dreamwork.
Deepening Your Spiritual Connection
Inside each of us is a Great Dream of Self. It lives as an inner blueprint, quietly unfolding as we explore the feeling that there is more to life, and more to our own personal sense of self, than what we see on the surface.
Dreams are a means of embarking on an inner journey to discover this Great Dream. Through dreams we are put directly in touch with our own, mysterious depths and the still, quiet voice that speaks from within them. In this dialogue, life is given meaning; by going deeply within our search for Selfhood, we open out into the greater mystery of life that is both part of, and beyond, us.
At IIDI we teach you to use your dreaming to connect more deeply to the magic of life’s mystery and your own Great Dream. Our work is rooted in an ancient wisdom practice that sets a path for returning to a connection to Source. Through the dreaming practices we teach, you will return to experiences of wonder and awe, both in your dreaming and waking time. These experiences make life as a whole more expansive, vibrant, alive, and meaningful.
To get started, take one of our dream classes, imagery classes, or sign up for 1:1 dreamwork.
Discover who you are through your dreams.
Find your deepest aspirations, and capabilities.
Something different, something deep.
Each of us is capable of ever-developing, continually expanding into life’s adventure rather than sticking to one mindset or patterned way of being. Dreaming itself teaches us this resilient, change-positive, adaptive and innovative way of being because every night is a different dream. By cultivating a relationship with our dreams we learn how to enter each day with fresh eyes and perspectives, and to see ourselves anew.
Discover your great dream of self
Inside each of us is a blueprint of what we are capable of becoming. Reconnect with your inner blueprint and recapture the passion and meaning that allows you to unfold into your true you.