The Institute

Leadership, Creativity,
transformation & social impact

The International Institute for Dreaming and Imagery® works with dreaming and imagery as tools for transformation through leadership, creativity, and personal development through coaching; rekindling a connection to Self and Source; and for finding solutions to social and global challenges.

The dreamwork is rooted in ancient wisdom teachings with the added vocabulary and insights of cognitive psychology, neurobiology, studies in movement and somatic practices, creativity, cognitive linguistics, phenomenology, and perceptual geography, among other scientific disciplines.

We work with leaders, coaches, creative professionals and performing arts foundations, individuals, universities, and organizations.

Our work is applied in such diverse fields as coaching, leadership,  performance and the creative arts, community building and social change initiatives, movement and somatic work.

Our DYW Kids® program teaches parents and children how to work with their dreams and inner knowing to gain confidence, become collaborative, and learn how to solve their own problems.

Are you living your full
leadership potential?

Everyone of us is asked to be a leader at some time in our family, our work, our communities, our world. IIDI’s DYW Leadership program gives you the tools to identify your blocks and discover your inner leader.

Dreaming, imagery, and the spontaneous imagination are the language of our embodied experience. Accessing direct, embodied experience by-passes ingrained patterns, belief systems, and habitual thoughts to work directly with the body’s natural ability to transform, and return to balance. From this place we are able to envision, create, and manifest the solutions, directions, relationships, and aspects of life and work that we wish to bring into being.

Dreaming has long been the means by which people found their deepest truths, as well as the big ideas that have moved society forward. Being able to imagine and envision is the sole means by which we develop, individually and communally.

Today science is turning its lens to this ancient and enduring language, lending new insights on mechanisms of dreaming and their neurobiological functions, giving us new vocabulary to express what is our shared human gift.

Dreaming is both ancient and eternal, a universal means for reaching both our deepest inner self, and beyond, to the Source which connects us all.

dreaming is the universal
language of problem-solving,
transformation, creativity,
and connection

What do you envision
for yourself?

Creativity is the innate gift in all of us.  IIDI’s DYW Artist Lab helps you to return to your inner dialogue, find what you have to say to the world, and how you want to express it. 

The Four Pillars of IIDI: Leadership, Creativity, Personal Development, and Young Dreamers

IIDI applies the dreamwork and imagery tools in four areas of work:  Leadership, Creativity, Personal Development, and in working with Young Dreamers.
Our DYW Leadership program is aimed at both organizations and individuals. For organizations, we create custom programs and coaching packages to develop the full leadership potential of executives, managers, and teams.  IIDI Founder and CEO Dr. Bonnie Buckner is Co-Faculty Director of the George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership’s eCo Leadership Coaching certification program, which brings IIDI’s Dreamwork to develop leadership coaches. All of IIDI’s classes help to develop leadership qualities, including: intuition and flexibility around change and challenge; enhanced ability to listen, notice, and identify patterns; and the ability to find necessities, identify the conflicts underlying them and know how to bring about their resolutions.  
Our DYW Artist Lab works with organizations, universities, performing arts foundations, and individuals – both professional creatives and individuals from other fields looking to develop their creativity. Creativity is about personal expression and self-becoming.  Dreams return you to your inner dialogue. In this inner space you engage with your true questions, and find what you really want to say to the world, and how to best express it. 
Personal development at the Institute is based on our approach that you have in you, already, all the tools you need to solve your own problems and to discover what is right for you, in your life, today.  This deep inner truth is found by looking inside, through both night dreams and your inner imagery.  If blocks are encountered, we teach you how to overcome them and return to fluid living.  All of our classes, workshops, and individual coaching and mentoring allow you to do this work in different formats.
Our DYW Kids® program develops young dreamers to become strong, creative leaders for tomorrow. We teach young people how to look inside themselves and find their truth, make decisions that are right for them, shift emotions from reaction to response, and to learn to identify and solve their own problems. Our work has included partnerships with national art galleries, refugee programs, and classes and workshops to teach adults, parents, and families how to dream together.

Discover your great
dream of self

Inside each of us is a blueprint of what we are capable of becoming. Reconnect with your inner blueprint and recapture the passion and meaning that allows you to unfold into your true you.

IIDI faculty are leaders, artists, performers, PCC-level coaches, psychologists, entrepreneurs, and academic professors.

They bring a wide experience to their long and in-depth training in the dreaming and imagery work. They speak your language of work and challenge, share your backgrounds of experience, and know how the dreamwork can be practically applied to the work you do. 

Our faculty are international and several work in multiple languages. All continue to create, research, lead teams and communities bringing fresh ideas and understandings to the applications of this dreaming work in their areas of expertise.

Faculty with a broad range of experience

Stretch Yourself

 Dreaming has long been the means by which people found their deepest truths and the big ideas that have moved society forward. It is a practice that is both ancient and eternal, a universal means for reaching both our deepest inner self, and beyond, to the Source which connects us all.

The Kabbalah of Light and
Colette Aboulker-Muscat

The Institute is grounded in the teachings of the late Madame Colette Aboulker-Muscat (1909 – 2003). Called the Kabbalah of Light, or The Reversing, these teachings were passed through a long family lineage from the 13th century Mediterranean, with roots which extend beyond the 1st century. Colette adapted these teachings for a contemporary audience. Her family includes her father, Dr. Henri Samuel Aboulker, a renowned professor of neuroscience, and mother, Berthe Bénichou-Aboulker, a successful novelist and first published female author in Algiers. Colette studied philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris, where she studied and worked with French psychologist Dr. Robert Desoille (known for his method “Reve Eveille Dirige”, directed waking dream). She was decorated and honored for her work in healing others from physical, emotional, and mental difficulties, as well as for her work organizing the successful underground resistance against the Nazis in North Africa in World War II for which she was decorated as one of the “five mothers who helped save the world”.

The founder of the Institute, Dr. Bonnie Buckner, learned this lineage from over fifteen years study with Dr. Catherine Shainberg at the School of Images; Catherine was a direct student of Colette’s, working with her for many years in further developing the work. Throughout her life, Catherine has continued to significantly advance the work through her School of Images, published written and audio works, and developing the work around the journey of childbirth.

As Colette’s life attests, dreaming, imagery, and the spontaneous imagination are practical tools for change – individually, and within the world. It is a dynamic work of powerful transformation. The Institute continues this tradition, bringing to it new findings in research and application, as we work to help individuals and organizations to reconnect to their common human heritage of dreaming, the place of healing and envisioning, to truly dream our world into being.