If paying in Euro, the fee is 375E; please contact us to arrange payment.
Please note: registration closes 24-hours before class starts.
When registering, please specify which class you are choosing. Thank you !
The following classes are available:
Advanced Dream Class
Deepen your practice through focused work and exploration of specific themes.
The Advanced Dream Class is for dreamers who wish to deepen their practice through focused work and exploration of specific themes.
Advanced Dream Classes builds upon the base vocabulary, categories, and steps learned from the Beginning Class, integrating dreaming into waking life as a holistic way of moving and being in the world. Working with one dream per class, different foci are explored such as direction, metaphor, and rhythm. Emphasis is placed on finding necessities and discerning how to respond to them in a waking dream. Lucid dreaming, meeting others in dreams, manifesting objects in dreams and other exercises will be explored through homework exercises designed to develop intuition and the dreaming practice.
Winter 2025
Mondays | January 13 – March 17
2:30pm – 4:00pm EST (20h30 – 22h CET)
Facilitator: Anna Nowicka
Spring 2025
Mondays | May 12 – July 21 (Please note: No class on May 26)
1:00pm – 2:30pm EST (19h – 20h30 CET)
Facilitator: Anna Nowicka
This class can be repeated indefinitely as each is unique and our dreaming continues to deepen as we continue to engage with it.
Prerequisite of Beginner Dream Class, or if you have worked with faculty individually or at a workshop.
All-Level-Kurs in Deutsch
Ein Kurs über die Arbeit mit Träumen, der sich an alle richtet, die sich eine Praxis mit Träumen erschließen möchten.
Durch die Arbeit in der Gruppe vertiefen wir unsere Beziehung zum Träumen, bauen auf unsere eigene Traumsprache auf und lernen, die Sprache der Träume in anderen zu hören. Zwischen den Sitzungen werden wir verschiedene Traumübungen und Hausaufgaben machen, die auf Themen und Fragen aufbauen, die während des Kurses auftauchen.
Dieser Kurs richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene Träumer, die ihre Praxis auffrischen und in einer Gruppe vertiefen möchten, als auch an Träumer, die neu in diese Arbeit einsteigen wollen.
Träume werden lebendiger und erscheinen häufiger, wenn wir uns auf eine Praxis mit den Träumen einlassen. Der All-Level-Kurs lehrt eine Methode wie wir uns mit unserem reflektierenden, intuitiven träumenden Selbst verbinden können: Sich jede Woche mit anderen Träumern zu treffen, um Träume zu öffnen, baut diese Beziehung zum Träumen auf, unabhängig davon, wie viel Erfahrung mit dieser Methode schon vorhanden sind.
Dieser Kurs ist jedes Mal anders und kann wiederholt werden.
Bei Fragen, sehr gerne eine Email Sabine at asienbirschfe@gmail.com
Der Kurs kostet 375 Euro und ist per Rechnung zu bezahlen, die zugeschickt wird. Um sich für den Kurs anzumelden, bitte senden Sie uns eine E-Mail.
Zeitplan wird noch bekannt gegeben
Winter 2025
Sonntags | January 26 – March 30
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern US (19h – 20h30 CET )
Lehrerin: Sabine A. Fischer
Dreaming With Your Kids – A Dream Class for Parents
“In my open hand I hold a key that keeps appearing and disappearing”, dreams an 11-year-old.
As a parent, you can support your child to truly see the key and find the door that it opens. This key is dreaming, an embodied, “secret” language that each of us speaks. Through dreaming, your child enters an adventurous inner world, where resources of self-trust, resilience and problem solving reside. Veiled in images, lived as hero-stories, these resources are fun to discover, surprising to experience, and developed through practice. In a playful, active way your child learns to respond to fear with courage, resolve friendship challenges, and step into their unique perspective of life.
This class gives you a window into this secret dreaming language. You’ll learn how to share this visual dialogue with your child, and support your child in their inner exploration, and you will learn how dreaming with your child can open out new spaces of intimacy for the whole family. It is a practice-based, experiential journey where we work with kids’ dreams and explore ways of turning them into whole-family activities. In addition, your own dreaming will develop, and – as one previous attendee said – by looking at dreams from the perspective of working with children, the steps of the dreaming practice, and their importance, are made clearer.
Schedule TBD
Classes are online via Zoom. Due to the experiential nature of the work, classes are not recorded and are not permitted to be recorded. Thank you for your cooperation.
Classes are experiential + pedagogical. We will work with one dream each week that is brought by class participants. Homework exercises to develop intuition and the dreaming practice will be given.