Dream Group Leaders become qualified to form and/or lead dream groups.
Dream Group Leader is the foundation certification. Whether you are planning to use this certification through the Leadership/Coaching, Artist Lab, or DYW Kids(R) program, this is the first certification you will need. Anyone wishing to continue on to the Practitioner certification begins here, and receives the Dream Group Leader certification first. Classes taken toward the Dream Group Leader certification count toward the Practitioner certification (with the exception of the Capstone, which will be repeated with a specialty for the Practitioner certification).
As a Dream Group Leader you will experience, learn, and know how to teach the basic structures for working with dreams, become facile with identifying necessities, and be able to lead a waking dream exercise to resolve a dream necessity.
You will practice leading groups, and fielding questions that might arise from participants.
You’ll experience a set of practices that you can use in leading more established groups to advance their dreaming work.
In individual sessions you will develop your own inner self in preparation for leading others, and deepen your own practice with dreaming.
If you are interested in pursuing one of our programs, or have a question, please email us.
NOTES: Classes listed in the curriculum tab are required. The Institute reserves the right to ask a student to include more classes or individual sessions if there is a need for further learning. In this case, additional costs will apply. In some cases, classes with other names can qualify for the required classes; in other cases classes that are five weeks will need to be supplemented with longer classes so that all needed material is covered. As soon as you begin your training you will be in close contact with faculty who will work with you on your development and help you to plan your semesters.
Students can decide to continue on from their certification from Dream Group Leader to Practitioner. In this case, all relevant semesters the student has already completed count toward Practitioner certification with the exception of the Capstone. A Capstone specific to Practitioner certification will still need to be taken.
Dream Group Leader Certification Training Requirement
Dream Group Practicum I (Beginner’s Dream Class)
Advanced Dream Class (required 3 semesters)
Life Plan
1:1 Sessions (minimum 5)*
Capstone **
6 semesters total ……………. $2700
+ Individual Sessions ……… $1250
+ Capstone ***…………………. $450
TOTAL : $4400
* Before being certified, students are also required to have individual sessions with a certified practitioner. The minimum number of sessions required is 5; overall, the number of sessions needed is determined by the student’s movement through the work. The price listed here is an estimate. Different faculty charge different rates for individual sessions.
** The Capstone is the supervised application of the work through demonstration of leading a dream group. It is the place for the Capstone student to practice numerous aspects of speaking to the work, describing and explaining it, guiding others through the steps, and being asked and responding to questions that may arise among students. The Capstone class is held with other students and with one or more certified practitioners. It is the opportunity for the Capstone student to practice the Leader role, and for the Institute to help hone any areas that may need additional support.
*** Before being certified the progress of the student is evaluated, and some semesters/individual sessions may need to be added. In this case additional costs will apply. The number of semesters and individual sessions indicated here are an estimate.