If paying in Euro, the fee is 190E; please contact us to arrange payment.
Please note: registration closes 24-hours before class starts.
When registering, please specify which class you are choosing. Thank you !
Imagery and dreaming are both means of looking inside. By looking inside we find the source of our blocks and the tools to transform them.
Imagery classes work with a technique for dreaming while awake, accessing the spontaneous imagination through a series of short prompts around the exploration of a topic.
Topics vary by semester. At check-out please specify the class you are choosing in the instructions to seller.
Cultivating Your Inner Light
For Practitioners-in-Training, this class counts for Imagery Class II
Leadership and creativity are both spoken about in terms of light: the spark of inspiration, holding the shining vision for the future. We imagine this so, because both cast a light into the dark unknown, illuminating an idea or a path. We understand this light to be something greater than the “what is”: a brighter tomorrow, a new perspective.
All of us have this inner light, and the capacity to access it, and cultivate it. It’s found by looking inside, and reconnecting with the truth of our individual inner self. That self lies beyond the blocks, patterns, belief systems, and other narrowing pitfalls that cause us to diminish our light, put a shade around it, or hide it from the world. By returning to the blocks and unblocking them, we reconnect with our truth which is naturally courageous, contributing, compassionate, creative, and vibrant.
In the darkness of the winter months when our class takes place we will look inside and cultivate our inner light using a series of short imagery exercises. These exercises are experiential, fun, imaginative, and teach you how to access your inner light, and continue to cultivate it, long after our five sessions.
Winter 2025
Mondays | January 13 – February 10
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern US (19h – 20h30 CET)
Faculty: Bonnie Buckner
The Bravery of Purpose
For Practitioners-in-Training, this class counts for Imagery Class I
Inside each of us is a blueprint of what we are able to become in our lives. Like the seed that knows if it will grow into an oak or a bamboo, this blueprint quietly urges our own unfolding. We often disconnect from this blueprint, stepping away from it when we seek to hide aspects of the self, to diminish ourselves in the face of challenge, the perceived criticisms of others, or social and work constraints. The way back to that blueprint is as close as looking inside ourselves, and reconnecting.
In this imagery class you will learn how to look inside and reconnect to your inner blueprint. Through short imagery exercises you will find where you have blocked, hidden, and diminished aspects of yourself that keep you from your purpose. In quick, simple, and playful shifts you will unblock them and learn how to live and take decisions from your true blueprint.
The bravery is to face our blocks and overcome them; our purpose is to build our inner blueprint, to unfold into all our fullest possibilities.
Winter 2025
Wednesdays | February 26 – March 26
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern US (19h – 20h30 CET)
Faculty: Bonnie Buckner
Online via Zoom.
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