DYW Kids®
DYW Kids® teaches young
dreamers, and their adult mentors,
how to work with
dreaming and the
spontaneous imagination as
a tool for creativity and
Through an interactive, experiential program, we teach young dreamers how to tap into their inner capabilities and creativity to create change in themselves and the outer world in which they live.
Applying Dreamwork skills adapted to young dreamers, kids discover their innate, unique abilities and the capacity to see this in others. Dreamwork develops the ability to notice patterns, necessities, and problem solve. Young dreamers become more courageous, open, and compassionate, while developing their intuition, and cultivating a sense of deep connection with their bodies, nature, each other, and the world. They develop emotional regulation, and discover their own tools for resiliency and meeting challenge.
Among the groups we’ve had the pleasure to work are Zachęta Polish National Gallery, Fabrik Potsdam, Nowy Theatre, Teatr Kana / Inna Bajka Festival, and Play! Zu Gast.
We offer elementary through high school, and university, programs, and online and in-person configurations. English, Polish, and German languages. To bring a program to your group of young dreamers, contact us.

Dr. Anna Nowicka is a Berlin based choreographer working with dreams and embodied imagination. She aims at unfolding the body into a resourceful, alive, ever flowing entity, able to be responsive and present. Graduate of the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD), MA Choreography at the HfS Ernst-Busch / HZT in Berlin and MA Psychology at the Warsaw University, she wrote her practice-based PhD on embodied awareness as the foundation for being present at the Polish Film School in Łódź. She has completed a basic training in Systemic Therapy and is a certified Sapphire® teacher of dr. Catherine Shainberg’s “The School of Images”. Anna is a certified Practitioner in Dreaming and Imagery from the International Institute of Dreaming and Imagery® where she is the Director of the DYW Kids® program, and where she continues unfolding dreamwork through an intensive exchange with Dr. Bonnie Buckner.
DYW Kids® Director,
Dr. Anna Nowicka
Become a DYW Kids® mentor
Young dreamers need the support of the adult mentors in their lives. To become a DYW Kids® Mentor you receive training in the basic foundations of dreaming, and learn how to facilitate the transformation of nightmares and blocks, and turn transformations into group activities, using specific tools aimed at young dreamers, among other things. Along the way you will deepen your own relationship with dreaming.
Click here to visit our certification page.